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Speech from my assembly

*This is a speech that I used for an assembly that I made to around 450 people. The aim was for this to be a catalyst that would promote a change in attitude towards feminism and sexism*

We are here today to talk about equality, and more specifically a movement that is very misunderstood, which is feminism.

In most establishments inequality does exist. So, we are trying to do whatever we can to try and change this, which is why we are here to talk to you all today.

We want to start off by talking about what equality really is.

It is effectively:

Being treated fairly.

Being treated with respect.

And also having the same rights as each other whether that’s in terms of race, gender, sexual orientation

I’m sure everyone can think of an instance where they have not had the same rights as someone else for an unfair reason, when a situation like this arises you need to stand up and speak out about it. A situation like this would be when a woman, for doing the exact same job, is being paid less as a man OR when men are NOT ALLOWED to wear jewellery or makeup to work or school.

This brings us on to talk about feminism.

The idea and word of feminism is widely misunderstood by SO many different people which is why we have come up with 3 things that feminism definitely is NOT:

Women hating men

Women wanting to dominate men

Women wanting to be like men

Can we have a show of hands as to who would identify as a feminist? (in the assembly not many people put their hands up)

Who believes in equality? (in the assembly, surprisingly, not everyone raised their hand)

Feminism and egalitarianism are all about equality. Egalitarianism, which is believing in the principle that all people are equal and deserve equal rights and opportunities, automatically encompasses feminism, in other words, if you are an egalitarian you share the same views as a feminist.... Furthermore, men can be feminists too as it is not just inclusive of women.

At the beginning of Year 12 I would not have identified as a feminist not only because of the negative ideas surrounding it but also because I did not really know what it was. I remember being in my English lesson and we were discussing the idea of feminism and I asked my teacher why we don’t call it ‘equalism’ (or something along the lines of that) as it seems to be discriminating against men. And her answer was that by calling it “equalism” it would not be specific to the fight for women’s rights. Equality covers a whole range of topics such as sexism, racism and homophobia and so it’s necessary to call it feminism to distinguish it from the other types of equality trying to be achieved throughout the world. The concept of ‘feminism’ was made in an extremely patriarchal society and so it was important for it to really stand out, to make change happen.

We are now going to show you a video that I shot of 4 different peoples perspectives on some of the biggest areas associated with feminism.


This is something that I created last year when I was studying English Language as vocabulary plays such a big part in sexism. It is comparing words used to describe boys compared to girls. I wasn’t entirely sure of all the names and phrases boys are subjected to and so these are the words that the different boys I asked find offensive, I appreciate I probably haven’t covered all of them so if you can think of anymore please let us know.

When reading these words it’s important to put yourself into the situation. So, if someone was describing someone you care about, such as your parents, or sibling or partner with any of these terms you have to think about how that would make you feel. So next time you are about to use a derogatory term think about if someone was saying this to someone you care about.

Our final message is please stand up for inequality whenever you see it because without all of you change won’t happen.

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