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Sexual harassment in the workplace for teenager's

Updated: Dec 17, 2018

So, it’s been almost a year since the #metoo movement took off and we have got so far into the discussion surrounding sexual harassment and assault; however, it is clear that there is still so much work to be done...

From a survey of 1,500 of women aged 16-24, 63% received sexual harassment in the work place, with almost 20% of women reporting that the person harassing them was their manager or someone in a position of authority. This figure is outrageous, so why do so many people not see this as an issue?

There is a great deal of sexual harassment experienced by teenage girls in the work place and yet, it is not talked about nearly as much as it should be.

For so long sexual harassment and assault has been a taboo topic as it has often resulted in victim shaming but this has got to change. No means no! But also, "I'm not sure", "I don't really feel like it" and "not right now" also means NO!

I feel like we should discuss what sexual harassment is, so we really know what we are talking about. If you look on Wikipedia it gives you a fairly confusing explanation that makes it hard to pinpoint what it really is, which is part of the problem. Those who have experienced unwanted sexual advances aren't sure what classifies as sexual harassment and so they aren't equipped with the knowledge of how to deal with it. But, also those who subject others to sexual harassment don't realise the severity of their actions and how not only is it disgusting behaviour, but also ILLEGAL. The simplest definition is that sexual harassment is unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favours, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature. This can include sexual comments and groping.

I used to work in a place where I experienced sexual harassment from two different men, both of whom had a position superior to mine. One of the men was constantly saying how it was two years till he could sleep with me and how he found me “sexy”; any opportunity he could find he would touch me, whether it was a fleeting hand on my shoulder or a kick on my bum. Whilst it might seem like something small, in the moments when this happened, I have never felt more inferior or powerless. Sexual harassment is one of those things you hear about in the news but never imagine will happen to you. As a sheltered 16-year-old girl I had never experienced anything like this before and frankly I was terrified.I never told anyone just how bad it was to work there with these two men: not my parents, not my teachers, not even my best friends. Looking back now, I wish I had been brave and spoken out, but, in my head I just kept making excuses for them. Now, I understand that this is not the worst thing that can happen to a 16-year-old, however, I want to share this story to help people understand that this really does happens!

My advice to anyone dealing with something similar to this: speak out! I know it’s scary but without your voice things won’t change. There are so many people that can help you deal with these types of events. Never let anyone touch you or speak to you inappropriately, no matter who they are.

Sexual harassment is illegal and frankly disgusting, so please, speak out and make a change!

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